
Welcome to the Temenos Young Scholars website! A meeting place for young adults who have taken part in the study days or conferences; or who would like to come along. Any writing that the young scholars wish to present can be found in the blog section of the site. The essay archive shows work appraised by the academic board that granted membership to active Temenos Young Scholars.

Please email your contributions to kamilsawicki@outlook.com if you would like to post an entry in the blog section of this site.

Upcoming Events

The Work of Temenos

The Basic Principles that Inspire the Work of Temenos


1. Acknowledgement of Divinity.

2. Love of Wisdom, as the essential basis of civilisation.

3. Spiritual vision, as the life-breathe of a civilisation.

4. Maintenance of the revered traditions of mankind.

5. Understanding of tradition as continual renewal.

6. The provision of teaching by the best teachers available of their disciplines, and of publications which set the highest standard in both content and design.

7. Mindfulness that the purpose of teaching is to enable students to apply in their own lives that which they learn.

8. To make Temenos known to all those who may benefit from its work.

9. Reminding ourselves and those we teach to look up and not down.

10. Governance of the Temenos Academy itself in the light of the above principles.



The Temenos Academy is an educational charity which offers education in
philosophy and the arts in the light of the sacred traditions of East and West.
The Greek word ‘temenos’ means ‘a sacred precinct’.

Blog & Record of Events

‘Deep roots are not reached by the frost’: The Inklings and the Western Tradition

February 2019 The Temenos Young Scholars met at The Kilns in Oxfordshire for another day of exploration, meeting students and academics of the Humanities, and attending seminar presentations. Temenos’ own Grevel Lindop, who is a poet, writer and former Professor of Romantic and Early Victorian Studies at Manchester university gave a seminar entitled ‘Charles Williams, …


Site administrator:

Kamil Sawicki

Email: kamilsawicki@outlook.com